Age Friendly Moorhead is a grassroots group! We are working with a number of other organizations to expand the ideas, philosophies, and practices of Age Friendly Minnesota into Moorhead.

Bonanzaville, USA is owned and operated by the Cass County Historical Society and sits on 12 acres of land located just outside West Fargo. This Museum and Village provides hours of enjoyment and education as visitors explore the history of our region. We are happy to have been able to provide volunteers for upkeep projects in return for free use of meeting and event spaces! This is such a fun partnership!

Cass Clay Community Land Trust uses a Shared Equity Model to preserve affordable housing opportunities forever to qualified households. They serve community members who are striving to become homeowners but face barriers to achieving this lifelong dream.

DMF strives to create a region of the healthiest people, most successful charities, and most generous & purpose-driven souls on this planet. Giving Hearts Day is one of the most successful giving days in the USA. Impact Foundation works with area charities to help maximize their impact.

Dancing Sky AAA works to increase knowledge, access, and acceptance of services for older adults and caregivers. When people know about the services available, have access regardless of where they live, and are welcoming of them, older adults and communities thrive.
We receive a number of referrals from Essentia Health caseworkers. These are most often for hospital patients who are being discharged with fewer abilities than when they entered the hospital. We are honored to be a part of helping patients return to safe environments as independent members of our community instead of having to make the step of moving to assisted living before they are ready!

The FM Area Foundation is a community foundation created by and for the people of Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota.

Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines is one of 11 regional Banks that make up the Federal Home Loan Bank System, serving financial institutions in 13 states and three U.S. Pacific Territories. FHLB is currently providing a three-year $500,000 grant which funds large projects in Cass, Richland, and Traill counties.

Vision People with disabilities are equal and valued participants of society. Mission Provide services that increase independence for people with disabilities.

Greater MN offers Mental Health Care, Adult Day Services, Housing Services & more! Like many other agencies, we receive and provide referrals to make sure that our program participants and theirs receive all of the services they need!

HERO’s vision is to focus on practices that sustainably provide medical equipment and supplies to enhance the quality of life. We not only purchase items from them, (such as shower chairs etc.) but we share referrals to make sure everyone gets what they need!

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national nonprofit that supports affordable housing efforts throughout rural America. Since 1971, HAC has provided below-market financing for affordable housing and community development, technical assistance and training, research and information, and policy formulation to enable solutions for rural communities. In addition to their updates on research and policy, we also regularly receive grants from HAC which fund projects in homes of rural veterans.

CAPLP is part of a national network of Community Action Agencies that work together as America’s Poverty Fighting Network. We share referrals and resources to make sure that our program participants are receive the services they need, even when one of our agencies is not able to provide them!

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency is a self-supporting and mission-driven state agency dedicated to making housing affordable for all North Dakotans.

The Otto Bremer Trust is a private charitable trust based in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was created in 1944 by Otto Bremer, a dedicated community leader involved in civic, financial, and corporate life.

Serve Thy Neighbor specializes in the liquidation and collection of donated items to be used towards sales/auctions to spotlight and contribute to area nonprofits. Beyond providing a service, they are dedicated to supporting local non-profits by directly contributing to their fundraising efforts as well as providing transparency to the donors. This is a new partnership for us and we are very excited to see where it goes!

We receive a number of referrals from Sanford Health caseworkers. These are most often for hospital patients who are being discharged with fewer abilities than when they entered the hospital. We are honored to be a part of helping patients return to safe environments as independent members of our community instead of having to make the step of moving to assisted living before they are ready!

SENDCAA provides a range of services and activities designed to alleviate poverty and give low-income people the opportunity to improve their standard of living and achieve self-sufficiency. We share referrals and resources to make sure that our program participants are receive the services they need, even when one of our agencies is not able to provide them!

USDA Rural Development - Housing Preservation Grants provide us with funding for a number of our large projects throughout the rural areas of Cass, Richland, and Traill counties of North Dakota.

We receive a number of referrals from Veterans Affairs caseworkers. These are most often for hospital patients who are being discharged with fewer abilities than when they entered the hospital. We are honored to be a part of helping patients return to safe environments as independent members of our community instead of having to make the step of moving to assisted living before they are ready!